Mail art


2024   Art Exchange, Colchester, UK
2022   Lot Projects, London, UK
2022   Hamilton MAS, Felixstowe, UK
2022   303 Projects, Lowestoft, UK

Starting in 2018 Daniel & Clara have been sending mail art pieces primarily in the form of letters, each series printed on a different colour paper and accompanied by a printed photograph.

Mail art breaks free from the structures of gallery exhibition and is sent directly from the hands of the artist to the viewer – the letters they create explore ideas around subjectivity, the phenomenology of experience and how we create stories around our experiences of being in the world, particularly in our relationships to landscape and nature.

Initially sent to strangers, since 2022 anyone can sign up to receive the letters - join here.


Avebury Letters

pen and inkjet on 120gsm white paper, c-ytpe photograph painted with acrylic, metal paperclip, 29.7 x 21 cm

A series of 12 letters sent monthly through 2024, each one recounting a story as told by the Avebury stones of what they have observed of our species through 5000 years.

Each letter is printed on white paper and accompanied by a unique hand-painted photograph of an Avebury stone.

Green Letters

pen and inkjet on 80gsm green paper, colour photographs, metal paperclip, 29.7 x 21 cm

A series of 12 mail art works sent out to friends and subscribers through 2023, the Green Letters create an account of the artist’s observations and encounters with birds throughout the year, exploring the dynamic between watcher and bird. The act of looking and logging becomes a ritual of engagement that reveals the complex and often fraught relationship between humans and nature.

Red Letters

pen and inkjet on 80gsm red paper, c-type photographs, metal paperclip, 29.7 x 21 cm

The Red Letters are a series of 12 letters printed on red paper, each accompanied by a black & white photograph taken on a 1947 Goldy box camera.

The letters tell the stories of Daniel & Clara’s visits to various sites in the British countryside such as Sutton Hoo, Avebury stone circle, the Uffington White Horse and the Essex coast. Each text weaves their inner and outer experiences of place into phenomenological artefacts where the real and imagined exist as one.

Yellow Letters

pen and inkjet on 80gsm yellow paper, 29.7 x 21 cm

A series of letters posted to strangers during the first seven months of the covid-19 pandemic.

Blue Letters

pen and inkjet on 80gsm blue paper, 29.7 x 21 cm

A series of letters posted to strangers during the first few months Daniel & Clara had moved to the UK in 2019.


digital text

A series of text works sent in reply to messages received through Facebook.

Letter #1

pen and inket on 80gsm blue paper, 29.7 x 21 cm

Daniel & Clara’s first mail art piece, created in 2018 to announce a creative and psychological rebirth. 

Studio Visit: Correspondence Works - 23rd April 2022

A virtual studio visit with Daniel & Clara about their correspondence works and the role of writing, series and mail art in their practice.